Monday, February 18, 2013

Valentine's Day

Hello dears

So my Valentine's Day was so-so. The reason being was because I found out some news from my mother about my niece being pregnant and she is only 14 years old!! What the hell is wrong with the future generations!! I hate to think what our country will be like when it is being run by them...

Anyway, enough sad talk! My boyfriend and I went to Leona's and it was a pretty decent time. He got kinda upset because they ran out of the 5-cheese lasagna. I was lucky enough to get the last of it and I shared it with him. We ordered the chocolate walnut brownie cake a la mode and it was amazing!!! It was everything a brownie should be and more! After food, we went home, cuddled, and started to watch a movie but we fell asleep. And that was my Valentine's Day.

I didn't ask for flowers or a stuffed animal because Valentine's Day is just a made up day so companies can get more money out of people. You shouldn't feel obligated to buy someone a gift to prove you love them. But we did it just because we haven't spent too much time together so it was a nice change of pace. I took a few pictures, nothing great but something for memories :)

The full size Chocolate Brownie Walnut Cake A La Mode that we split

This picture makes me want another one XD

My coords with the coat

Coords without coat

My boyfriend fell asleep on my lap can you say awww?

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